5.0 out of 5 stars, June 11, 2018
Wonderful, beautifully written stories of kayak adventures! I enjoyed reading one each evening. SL
5.0 out of 5 stars, Great writing! , May 18, 2018
Great writing! I felt like I was on each paddling adventure. Your descriptions of scenery, wildlife and day to day living conditions were very insightful. I loved your sense of humor! Keep up the good work. CBF
5.0 out of 5 stars, April 6, 2018
Knowing who you paddle with, the rhythms of the days feel so familiar, it was almost like I was there. SK
5.0 out of 5 stars, For the paddling enthusiast, May 23, 2018
I am an armchair adventurer. I loved the descriptions of the various areas in the U.S. and Canada......the terrain, the wildlife.....places I will never see.... places most people will never see or experience. The challenges of paddling in various places and conditions, the hardships, the challenges and the rewards make for a great and interesting read. JER
5.0 out of 5 stars, If you are looking for a great read filled with adventures, this book offers plenty, June 2, 2018
If you’ve ever desired to read a book that clearly illustrates the epitome of the use of the word vicariously, “The Idling Bulldozer and other Paddling Adventures” captures those wishes completely.
While I enjoyed the pleasure and opportunity to experience firsthand almost half of the paddling adventures featured in this book, I can honestly say that reading the other stories that I had not personally participated in, I imagined I was actually there when reading each one. I had the feeling I could virtually smell the coffee brewing before breakfast, the salt in the air, the rain on my face, the flames from the campfires together with the fragrance of wet neoprene lingering around the campsites! Don “Yackman”, describes his kayaking trips in careful detail that definitely draws the reader in and leaves one with the distinct impression they were there.
I’ve had the good fortune to read many hiking and kayaking books over the years. I’ve participated in both sports that I love, but in this book, I was captivated like few others. Yackman shares his encounters, challenges, hopes and rewards thoughtfully, delightfully & skillfully, engaging the reader in such a way that will motivate many who have not yet taken part, to seek out their own future adventures. Active kayakers will be attracted by the physical challenge of such adventures while others can enjoy the journey in their minds.
If you enjoy reading stories that transport you to another place and enable you to feel as though you too were there, this is the one I strongly recommend you consider adding to your collection. If you’ve only considered participating in a kayak & camping adventure, the stories contained in this book will inspire and encourage you to take the plunge and get off the couch and sign up for a group trip. Most likely you will meet and make new friendships that can last a lifetime. Paddle Florida offers interested paddlers with a diverse set of paddling skills among the best opportunities to participate than any other group I know. I believe the most advanced & challenging trip I paddled was one from Key Largo to Key West, however they also feature much less demanding paddles; to be announced on their website for the 2018-19 season of paddling adventures. AL
5.0 out of 5 stars, the stories are fun! Don writes in a conversational tone, May 19, 2018
Even if you are not a paddling enthusiast, the stories are fun! Don writes in a conversational tone.....it's like you're sitting next to him while he tells his stories. Looking forward to more books from him! PG
5.0 out of 5 stars, A must read for Paddling enthusiastists! , May 2, 2018
A must read for Paddling enthusiastists! It follows Dons adventures along many different waterways and I was sorry to see it end. Congratulations on a well written story. I hope there is more to come in the future!! AC
5.0 out of 5 stars, A travel narrative worth your time!, September 26, 2018
I enjoy books like this one because they make a movie play in my mind as I read them. Even though I haven't been to the locations described in the book I could picture them all from Don's descriptions. I enjoyed the self-deprecating humor, the paddling and camping wisdom, and the commitment to exploring nature under wonderful and horrible conditions. EH
(No Star Rating) I have long been fascinated by, January 9, 2019
I have long been fascinated by the kayaking experience described by friends, but never had the time to be trained and to dedicate to practice. Having loved the sailing experiences over the years because of the peace on the water vs the motor boating in my family, I thought canoeing or kayaking might be just what I would enjoy. I fully enjoyed your talk and really look forward to reading your book. As a former college writing teacher, I commend your effort and am sure your teacher would be very proud of you too! JD

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